Defining Culture: The Meaning of 'Person' as Carrier of Cultural Meaning

Author Details

C. S. Herrman

Journal Details


Published: 2 February 2017 | Article Type :


In this paper a methodology built on the foundations of Peirce and Whitehead is used to assert that ‘persons’ – as distinguished from ‘individuals’ – are the true vehicles of culture. This, because they are the uniquely social actors who extend, in and through time, new or preexisting artifacts. In short, the individual-as-person either acts out a cultural trait thus becoming a living artifact, or otherwise creates material artifacts. Alfred Kroeber’s remarks are used as an anthropological backdrop to the discussions.
Keywords: Culture, Methodology, Person, Personhood, Individual, Society and Paradigm.

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How to Cite


C. S. Herrman. (2017-02-02). "Defining Culture: The Meaning of 'Person' as Carrier of Cultural Meaning." *Volume 1*, 1, 13-26